Already encountered twice this week, may be due to too many empty taxi on the road now pax becomes more choosy; or I look stupid?
2 young ladies aboarded East Coast Road near Ocean Park... One of the lady asked "Uncle, go Evans Rd... hey don't on the meter... tell me how you go first." Alama... how to go ar.... I asked her how you want to go, tell me. She said, tell me first hehe, I need to know before you start. Aiyo pre-qualification interview liao.
No choice, told her go ECP->Rochor Canal->BtTimah; she didn't want cos too many traffic lights. 2nd option, PIE->Whitley->BtTimah; she said don't like go thru whitley. knn, 3rd option, PIE->CTE->BtTimah... she said hey the traffic light CTE->BtTimah very long leh. Then I suggest her take PIE->FarrerRd->Holland->ClunnyRd->Evans or take bus. Haha she like it and asked me start the meter go CTE->BtTimah.
I would either continue to drive on and turn on my meter cos by staying on the side of the road too long, I'm a potential road hazard. You are not booking (on-call) my cab, why should I say so much ???
Anyway, fm East Coast Road to Still Road there is still some distance away, you could carry on driving and ask along the way. Passengers enter the cab with the intention of going to point A to B, not to conduct a taxi proficiency test. IMO this is one a "Neow" (cat) passenger. Don't want this and that.
Inexperience driver like me, honestly can't think out the route within few seconds, may be she read my mind so asked. It was at night 2300 so no pax and no traffic at all and my taxi just idle along road side answering quiz. :( took me about a minute.
Haha no lar. I can see ladies usually very sensitive to insecure and uncertain thingy. May be she kenna many times taxi go round round finally don't know go where and still need to pay $$$.
Sifu drivers like you guys of course pax no argue, one and only one route straight left ECP then Rochor Cannal and BtTimah turn left...done - all roads already in mind naturally can't run. For newbies, die lor, pt A & pt B how to connect? how to go ECP, how to PIE, left or right.... especially under stress. Not easy job. Don't take? May be empty for another 30mins, take? need to answer precisely otherwise pax still walk away or kena scold later on.
Can sifus give pointers how to enhance pt connection ability?
There is no short cut to learning in taxi driving. Long hours of roaming the streets and experiences will make you a matured driver.
Join the walkie talkie group, friendly and helpful members are always there to give you instant advices...............................or come to your help if 2 ladies is a job too tiring for you to handle.
if they want no traffic light 1 hor... dont take land transport... unless they chiobu i maybe entertain them 1st mins... if not after 1st option i tell them go take helichopter or take other cabs