Msg from Car forum..... mind you, that's $377k worth of gold !!
this morning's ST front page had an article on a cabby who drove ard without knowing that one of his passengers had left behind a bag of gold in his boot worth abt $377k !!
upon finding the pot, the cabby made an effort and returned the gold to the owner only to be given a tremendous reward of ...... $50 !!
Even ComfortDelgro, which has nothing to do with it, except being the taxi company, decided to reward the cabby with $200 for his honesty !
even when someone returned my $110 pager when i lost it, i went from Tampines to Bukit Merah to collect it and gave the finder $20 !!
but ironically, when i returned things to others, i never received any rewards b4.
The cabby did not return the gold bar on his own. He is called to return it and he did not know he got something until he reached and they opened his boot.
guess that guy must be only a courier not the owner of $377K...that's why so cheapo...he never thought he could lose his job if really the golds were lost
If you are willing to admit faults, you have one less fault to admit.
mmm... knn if i returned something that amt and the ccb only give me $50... sure must act la.. and say NO NO NO i cannot take la its my BLOODY job to return!!! but inside FK till his old folks far far... hahhaaa.. then walk away... no need to give face and FINAL word from me is KNNBCCB... this is cheapo..FK